OpenMusic Tutorial Sessions
I have been teaching OpenMusic to undergraduate and graduate composition majors at the University of Missouri School of Music this fall. As I started teaching, I decided to create a side project of making a series of tutorial videos. Today I decided to make them all public. There will be a new video every week, at least until the end of the year 2020.
In making these videos, I thank my students, colleagues and friends who never cease to inspire me, and I am deeply grateful to Michael Klingbeil, who introduced me to OpenMusic 13 years ago and gave me a solid foundation in it.
Yoshiaki Onishi, October 25, 2020
Why are you making these videos now?
Will OpenMusic make composers write better music?
Who should watch these videos?
Note: You will notice that as of late October, eight tutorial videos into it, I have yet to cover the tutorial on how to export the musical materials for use in music notation software programs. I will cover it as one of the last topics in the tutorial sequence. This is because:
(1) I view these initial tutorial videos as forming a skill-building tutorial sequence to get around well in OpenMusic as the viewers acquire basic skills in computer programming, and more importantly;
(2) Very often what OpenMusic generates will not be immediately usable in the actual notated music. That does not mean that they aren’t useful; rather, it means that it is necessary to work the materials out further, and that is one topic that deserves one tutorial session.
I insist—at least at the early stage of learning the software—that OpenMusic is best used as a musical sketchbook, where imagination can roam wild. Working with musicians will seemingly put a leash on such imaginations, but then hopefully what OpenMusic teaches—logical thinking process among other things—will help the composers reach a higher level of music-making in the collaborative process.
Is this free?
That said, I may start Patreon if there are enough people interested in the tutorial videos and they request special contents from me. After all, video editing takes a lot of time (how do these YouTubers find time to edit all these fancy schmancy videos!? Goodness…)
Table of Contents
- Session 1: OM Tutorials 9, then 1~4 (Preliminaries, simple arithmetic operations)
- Session 2: OM Tutorials 5-8 (arithmetic operations, cont’d.)
- Session 3: OM Tutorials 11-13 (pseudorandomness, iterative function repeat-n)
- Session 4: OM Tutorial 14 (OMif (conditional parameters))
- Session 5: OM Tutorials 15 & 16 (OMloop)
- Session 6: A Special Session on L-System Algorithm Implementation
- Session 7: OM Tutorials 17 & 18 (managing list structures with flat; interpolation)
- Session 8: OM Tutorials 19-21 & extra (BPF, etc.)
- Session 9: OM Tutorials 22-23 (review of Chord-seq object)
- Session 10: OM Tutorials 24-25 & extra (Rhythm Trees)
Here is the playlist. Be sure to check out the individual video page on Vimeo for timestamps and some downloadable contents attached to some of the videos.